Drive DeVilbiss International is also represented on social media channels with its own accounts. Through these channels we provide posts and topics which will stimulate discussion and comments. We are pleased that you visit our social media pages, give constructive feedback and we welcome the lively exchange of views.
When interacting with one another, respectful communication, tolerance of other opinions, constructive feedback and an appropriate standard are important to us. We take your posts seriously and want to avoid having to delete them wherever possible. When communicating on our social media channels please therefore observe the following Netiquette.
Our Netiquette
- When posting information, always behave in a fair and respectful manner. Even if there are substantive differences, posts must remain constructive and factually correct.
- Remain polite. Threats, insults and provocation have no place in digital interaction. Treat other users as you would wish to be treated yourself.
- Please also bear in mind that we address each other informally in online communication. But please do not worry if someone addresses you formally.
- Please make sure your discussion posts relate to the topic concerned.
- We cannot accept any form of discrimination or defamation of individuals or groups due to their family background, religious affiliation, nationality, physique, sexual identity, male to female ratio or level of income or due to their age.
- We will delete comments which are offensive, seditious, degrading, pornographic, inflammatory, include material harmful to children or criminal comments and report them to the respective platform operator.
- Every user is responsible for the posts he/she has published. Please do not infringe the rights of a third party (personal rights/copyright laws).
- Where there are links to external web pages, we reserve the right to check linked content and remove the comment if the linked content breaches our Netiquette.
- In general, please refrain from posting commercial or private offers of goods or services, election advertising or political campaigns, appeals for demonstrations or petitions. We will delete any such posts.
- Where comments are left by a mechanical system (such as Bots, for example), these comments will be deleted.
- Do not disclose any personal data, such as, for example, addresses or telephone numbers.
As the operator of social media channels, we reserve the right to delete content which contradicts our Netiquette or is not conducive to a constructive, factual discussion without giving reasons and report this content to the respective platform operator where necessary. Through interaction on our channels you are accepting our Netiquette.
We will be pleased to reply to your questions and posts as quickly as possible. If you write to us in the evening or at the weekend, we will deal with your request the next working day. If you need instructions or assistance, please contact us direct by e-mail (
We look forward to interacting with you on our social networks
Liability disclaimer
Comments on our posts only reflect the opinions of individual readers. Drive DeVilbiss International does not take any responsibility for whether the content is correct or complete. This lies with the individual themselves.